I've been using Guardian Horse Bedding (compressed softwood pellets) for Lucy for almost a year now. They are SO much better for a messy horse than pine shavings are. Lucy likes to "decorate" her stall in no particular pattern, and then she makes sure to drag her hay everywhere and stomp it all up into a nice mash for me to find in the morning. Let me tell you, there's nothing better than trying to separate a poop/pee/hay mash from what little bedding I can salvage at 7am.This was an especially nasty chore when the larger shavings were almost impossible to sift through.
The pine pellets break up into such a fine bedding, though, that I can actually sift through everything very well, and that allows me to save a lot of bedding and just throw out the manure. I go through about ten bags a month, as opposed to a bag of shavings every other day, which ultimately saves me a lot of money.
The supplier that I've been using used to deliver the bedding for a small fee, but recently that delivery fee has ballooned and I asked myself why I didn't just go pick it up with Kenny's truck. It's about an hour drive to get there, but a friend splits the pallet with me and reimburses me for gas, so it's really a much smarter idea than delivery.
I went up today and got a pallet of the bedding. A pallet consists of 55 bags and I got an extra five to make the order come to a nice round number of 60 bags, so that my friend and I can each have 30. Each bag weighs 40 lbs, so this photo is 2,400lbs of horse bedding in the back of that truck! It drove great all the way home, too :) After work I will go and drop off my friend's half of the pallet at my current barn, and then I'll drive to the new barn to hopefully find a place to stack the other half.