I have been a bit absent this past week. It was an extremely difficult week for me personally. My friends horse being put down was a very sad thing that happened amongst many other sad things. I didn't ride at all last week with the exception of Sunday.
On Sunday I got the opportunity to have a lesson at a near-by dressage facility called
Woodwind Farm. Lauren was also having a lesson. We had bought the lessons on Groupon for a killer deal and Lauren had arranged to use hers on Sunday. I went to watch her lesson and then it became apparent that they had time to do mine also on that day, so Kenny and I drove to the barn, hooked up the trailer, loaded Lucy, and drove back up to this other farm. Crazy? yes. What I really needed after the week I had? yes.
The lesson went very well. I was most proud of Lucy because she had only been ridden twice all week (by Lauren) and yet she got off the trailer, stood on the cross-ties to get tacked up, and was a well behaved lady for the whole lesson at a strange barn. However, when I tried to cross-tie her in the wash stall area, she flipped out, broke through the cross-ties, and ran up to the barn. Then, she refused to get back on the trailer. So it seems our trailer woes are nowhere near "fixed" and I guess we'll have to go back to square one for that. After some brief lunge line work, I did get her on, but it was embarrassing nonetheless.
Anyway, here are some photos:
this is how she was straight off the trailer...not bad. |
The majority of my lesson focused on reforming my horrible and stubborn
hunter perch. Even after 45 minutes, I couldn't make myself sit up. |
Lauren riding Dan, or Fabio as I thought he should be named ;) |