Today was the first time I have gotten launched since moving to my current barn, which was back in January. I think that's a pretty good stretch of time! Best part was that it was in the field, and we were having a nice gallop when she got a little excited, and started hopping through the air, and it was like riding a trampoline. I more or less got bounced right out of the tack and I landed on my FEET! I think that's only happened once or twice before. It was totally awesome. I felt very ninja like! The not so awesome part was that she spun around and galloped away from me, toward home, throwing in MASSIVE bucks as she hauled a** back to the barn. Kenny had come out to take photos for me and he was closer to the front of the field, so I called him to let him know that Lucy was heading in that direction. Unfortunately she had already gotten past him and was heading out to the road. She galloped down the main road toward the barn (WHY didn't she go down the trail?!? she has never even been ridden on that road!!) and of course it caused a huge ruckus with traffic. The police were called and someone managed to corral her into a large parking lot on the side of the road, by blocking the road with his car. Kenny was right behind the horse (he took the motorcycle to the field) and caught her and held her for me since I was on foot walking to the parking lot where she was.
Anyway, long story short, she's fine, I'm fine, a cop showed up and we explained what happened. Never a dull moment!
When I got back to the barn, I tied Lucy to the barn while I cleaned her stall and fed the other horses, then I worked with her on the ground for about 25 minutes. I didn't want her to think she could be naughty and then come home and get fed.
At least before I got tossed, we had a great ride. I spent about an hour and a half out in the field yesterday building some new jumps, and today we tried them all out.
mini tantrum after the first jump. she was just really excited! |
"I love you despite your craziness" |
I had to get off to fix a part of the jump - she was very good about
standing there quietly while I worked. |
these two jumps worked out to be a perfect two strides apart. we had a
lot of fun jumping them as a line! |
she was unsure about this jump, just a pile of rocks with a thick branch
over the top. |
with a nice, confident ride to the base, however, she jumped it fine. |