Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Just Call Me Martha

Lucy's vet wanted her to start lunging in the Pessoa Training System five minutes per day. I don't own one and don't have the budget to go out and spend $200 on one. My barn owner has one and was happy to lend it to me but I figured if I'm going to have to use this thing every single day for the foreseeable future, I should try to get my own.

I had a good look at them online and thought, "you know, these things really aren't that complicated".

I decided to try and make my own. I found some plans online and adapted them slightly, went to Home Depot and WalMart for supplies, and spent about an hour sewing the fleece sleeve to go around her bum, and laying the rig out on the floor against a spare fleece cooler I had at home for sizing. I finished it and stepped back to admire my handiwork. It looked good, and my total cost was about $25! If anyone is interested, I will do a step-by-step post to show you how I made it, but here is the finished result:

This is a video still, hence the bad quality. I hope Kenny can take some photos of her going in it today in the outdoor. But doesn't she look cute? She got the hang of it quickly. I left it fairly loose since this was her first time going in it and I was impressed by her willing attitude! I think she's so happy to have something to DO! :)


  1. Wow! Lucy looks great. I know she's been out of work and all, but I swear you wouldn't know it!

  2. Please tell me the fleece is rainbow colored...because it looks rainbow colored and that would be frigging amazing.

  3. You beat me to it - I was going to suggest you make your own, as you are super talented! My husband made our adjustable sidereins for way cheaper than buying them and they work great.

  4. I would absolutely love a tutoria! You are so crafty! :)

  5. + 1 on the step by step please. I borrow my friends all the time, but if i could fashion one for myself I'd be laughing! :)

  6. Yes please on the step-by-step. So cool!

  7. Yes yes yes to the step by step!

  8. Very cool! Would love step by step instructions on this.

  9. I would LOVE a step by step! Your set looks so adorable!

  10. OMG you are totally Martha!!!

    Must know how you did it :)

  11. WAYYY better than paying so much money for one! Awesome job.

  12. Agreed. I used bailing twine for side reins... Worked great and they even had some give. Price? Free!

    1. Bailing twine is almost as good as duct can practically use it for anything!

  13. Add me to the list Martha! Great job. :D

  14. That's sweet! Props to you for the DIY.

  15. Please do the step by step!!! I've wanted a Pessoa system, but they are so expensive and I'm struggling just to afford necessities right now!! So I'd love if you'd share your Martha expertise!

  16. wow, you are super handy! It looked she fell into a ball of yarn when I first looked, but that is an amazing DIY project, love the rainbow fleece!

  17. Awesome! I bought the cheap Schneiders version ($40) and love it! I would love to be that handy but I'm always lacking in the time department!

    Did you make your ropes stretchy or not? Schneiders had both versions and I bought the stretchy one.

  18. You're so much better than Martha!


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