Showing posts with label routines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label routines. Show all posts

Thursday, July 7, 2011

my barn routine

I rough-board so I am at the barn every day to take care of Lucy and do barn chores. At first I thought being a rough boarder would be like a death sentence to my freedom. I HAD to be at the barn everyday. I HAD to muck her stall no matter how hot or how cold the air temperature was. I HAD to lug her water buckets out of her stall to scrub and clean them, and then I HAD to fill them back up and lug them back to the stall. God, how terrible!

Well wouldn't you know, I actually love doing all these things now. In fact, I had the option to do full board at this new barn for not much more money than I'm paying when everything's added up to be a rough boarder now, and I chose to stay on rough board. I am heavily invested in Lucy's health and level of care and I am a bit neurotic about making sure everything is done to my liking. Take my stall cleaning routine, for example:

Lucy's stall is the third on the left. The first stall belongs to a little pony named
Tony, the second is Boe's, the fourth is reserved for an incoming boarder,
and the last is a wash stall.

This is pretty typical for Lucy's stall after she's spent
a night in there. Manure is everywhere!

My first step is to clean the stall thoroughly and then sweep back all of the
leftover bedding.

I throw down powdered lime to neutralize any of the acids that are left on the
stall mats, which helps keep odor to a minimum.

If the stall needs to have bedding added, I grab a bag of it and cut it open
using a knife. Before adding water, the pellet bedding looks like small hard pellets.
I add 1-2 gallons of water to the bag and let it sit for about ten minutes.

While waiting for the bedding to absorb the water, I snapped a quick shot of the
indoor with the beautiful afternoon light streaming in.

Ten minutes later, the bedding has expanded a lot, and soaked up all the water!

I dump the bedding out and spread it around, along with the old bedding that
I had swept out of the way. I also scrub and refill her water buckets, and
put hay into her stall. Her dinner gets dumped into her bucket and soaked.

Next, it's time to bring the beast in!

Mom, I'm not a beast...I'm a pretty pony!

happy pony stuffing her face, and a clean stall...for now ;)