Sunday, November 29, 2009
I decided to do a little experiment, and without dismounting, I asked Lucy to walk out the indoor's side doorway, around the barn and across the driveway to where the outdoor is. She was like, no problem boss! She was SO good about it! We walked around the outdoor so she could check it out, because it had been about a week since I rode her in it, and then I did some quick reviews of contact with her. Since we had already warmed up in the indoor, we moved right onto cantering, and had some fabulous canters each direction. Going to the right was like heaven; she was so soft and happy and not rushy at all, but then I lost my stirrup and she got a bit quick (probably because I was trying to get my stirrup back and was accidentally nudging her with my toe...she doesn't need a lot of leg at all!).
There was a single pole along one of the long sides of the ring, and after I got my stirrup back, she cantered over it in both directions. Last time we worked over poles, she just walked and trotted over them, but there were three in a row. This time there was just one pole but I was asking her to canter. A long time ago, I watched a friend teach her greenie to canter over poles and the horse jumped about eight feet through the air, thinking it was a jump. I had that in the back of my mind on our first approach, but luckily she was cool as a cucumber about the whole thing. The first time she cantered over it like it wasn't even there (which I loved) and then the second time, she kind of hopped over it and switched her lead mid-stride. After that I made sure to be clear that I wanted her to stay on the same lead and she got it every time. She is SO SMART!
Each time I ride, I hop off at the end of the ride and think to myself, "wow, that was the best ride!" When every ride is the "best one", I cannot help but be ecstatic. I love this horse.
Tonight the lucky lady is getting a massage. I bet she'll love it.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The race horse comes out to play
Lucy had been cooped up because of the nasty storm that had come through during the latter half of the week, and she hadn't gotten much turnout. When I got her out of her paddock, she was polite but I could tell she had some excess energy. I decided I'd let her get her kicks out in the outdoor before riding because though she has yet to do anything bad under saddle, I didn't want to push my luck!
She got a nice thorough grooming and then I let her into the outdoor. Let's just say that I could totally picture her on the race track! She zoomed around for a good twenty minutes and was very much enjoying herself. Tail flagged and heels flying, she looked exuberant. The best part was that she made a point to run through the small puddles in the outdoor on her trips around the fence line, whereas most horses I know would avoid the water at all costs. Might I have that fearless water-loving event horse I've always dreamed of?
What made me so proud of her, though, was that after she was done being nutty, she came right over and let me clip on the leadrope, followed me quietly into the barn and stood like a statue on the crossties, and then w/t/c under saddle with no issues. Nice!!!!
Brenna opted not to get on because she was freezing her butt off, poor girl. I doubt seeing the horse running around like a maniac in the beginning of the visit made her feel very comfortable, too ;) Maybe another time!



Thursday, November 26, 2009
Lucy and the Trot Poles
We moved onto a bit of canter work and she did not feel as though she was rushing as much as she had before she was adjusted. She still felt fast, but after looking at the video I am realizing that she has such a long stride that everything feels so much bigger than it looks. She felt much looser through her back and hips last night, and she even stretched down into the (minimal) contact a few times, which she was promptly praised for. I try to make our rides short but sweet and to the point, and we always end on a good note. I try to start with something she already feels comfortable with, then introduce something new, then go back to practicing whatever we had worked on in the last session. That way I feel like we always end with both of us feeling confident.
Kenny rode after I did. He does such a nice job with Lucy. He is a naturally gifted rider and he communicates so well through his position and voice.
Here is a rather long video of our ride last night.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
We now have an engine!
I rode for just over fifteen minutes, and we did a lot of trotting in circles. She got quick a few times, but the doors on the short sides of the indoor were open and I suspect she was getting a little spooked. I think her "spook" is hilarious: she simply gets a little faster for maybe four strides, then slows down and forgets about what happened. I can handle that!
After she was cooled out, I applied some Sore No More liniment gel to her SI joint area.
She also got some bell boots because I have noticed a lot of little cuts just above her front heels. I'm not sure what she's banging herself on; the cuts don't look like damage from her back feet, but hopefully the boots will prevent them from now on.
Monday, November 23, 2009
That's the spot!
He watched her walk and trot and settled on the fact that her right hip was all locked up and was lower than her left. Also, her spine was curved laterally to the right, which would explain her resistance to turning left. Her poll was out, her neck was out, her shoulders are very sore but he said that was most likely from her feet being in such terrible shape. She was sore through her SI joint and a lot of her odd behaviours made more sense as the her was going through and showing me all the trigger points she has. For instance, when I pick up her back feet to clean her hooves, she picks her head way up and kind of kicks out with the foot I'm picking up. I never thought she was trying to kick me-it's totally not like her to do something like that, but it seemed like she was either confused about what I wanted, or that she was uncomfortable. Since I know she was a track horse and I'm sure she had her feet cleaned daily, I was pretty sure she knew what I wanted, so that left pain as the only explanation. After the chiro had finished adjusting her he picked up both her back feet and she was so good about it and didn't kick out at all. The other odd thing that she has done is if she's laying down in her stall and goes to get up, she almost has to roll halfway over and then roll back up and use that momentum to get on her feet. Most horses can get up by going into a pseudo-sitting position and then get up with their back legs but with her pelvis so messed up, she could not "sit" like that.
She was so good about everything. Seriously, what a good horse. Dr. Katz said she was an "absolute pleasure" to work on. She stood quietly the whole time and licked and chewed when he was doing her head and neck.
So I hope she isn't too sore. I am going to go back to the barn after work and we'll go on a little walk, per the chiro's suggestion, but no riding tonight. She will get Sore No More applied to the SI area. Tomorrow I can get on her and do some nice stretchy w/t work. He'll be back in two weeks to do another evaluation and we'll see how she's doing from there.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Working on suppleness
My new (used) saddle is arriving today and I am pretty excited!
Also, check out what arrived in the mail today! It's the win photo from Lucy's one and only victory in December of 2008 at Philadelphia Park:

Sunday, November 15, 2009
A visit from the grandparents

Today was a successful ride because my parents came to see Lucy and I did not die. That right off the bat is success in my book! But in addition, we got some great progress in the canter, i.e. steering while cantering. She is way too nimble and intelligent, though. She has figured out that while going around in a circle, if she wants to switch direction, she just changes her lead (I have NOT taught her to do that!) and then drags me to the outside. This caused us to have a few "discussions" but by the end of the ride I was just giving her ridiculous outside support around the circle with my outside leg and I was not letting my outside shoulder collapse, and she seemed to understand that these cues meant "stay on the damn circle, horse!".
I rode her for about half an hour and as always, ended on a good note. She was really hot, anyway. It was almost 70 degrees here today and very muggy, and of course she's halfway done growing a winter coat. My friend Samera had come to watch me ride also (as had Jenny...I love that my friends are interested in meeting my horse!!) and she asked if she could have a pony ride. I figured as long as I was leading Lucy it would be ok. She was pretty tired so I couldn't imagine her doing anything stupid, so Samera got a leg up and we just walked around in a little circle, then she hopped off. I untacked Lucy, brushed her out, and we all went on a walk to cool out down the road. My parents brought Cassie with them and so the dog was happy that she got to go for a little walk.
A video from today.



My little claiming pony
Kenny did a bunch of sleuthing and every single race she ran was a claiming race. She raced at Suffolk, Philadelphia Park, Calder, and Penn National. She won one race at Philadephia Park on December 7, 2008, and the only other time she placed was a third. I got the idea of calling the Philly to see if I could get a copy of the winning photo and the photographer called me back and she was able to track down the image and they are sending me a copy! I am so excited.
I did a little YouTube search of her and came up with only one result, which was her second race. You don't even really see her run because she threw her jockey coming out of the starting gate. That's my girl!
You can see as she comes out of the starting gate she does this wild crop hop and off the jockey flies.
Here's the video.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
impromptu horse show
I was a bit worried because we are in the middle of quite a big rain storm and the horses were turned out for half a day yesterday and not at all today. I pulled Lucy out of her stall, quickly groomed and tacked her up, and got on without letting her get some energy out first. Before today, every time I have ridden her she's had at least 20 minutes to move freely in either the outdoor or the indoor, but there were people already riding in the indoor by the time I got to the barn so I couldn't do that. This was also her first time as far as I know being ridden in a ring with a bunch of horses. Five horses and riders participated in the "show" so basically I was asking her to behave without having been turned out or warmed up in an indoor with four other horses. That's quite a lot for a three year old TB brain to handle.
There were four classes: equitation, pleasure, hunter under saddle, and a dressage test. Keep in mind this was all in good fun. Our "pleasure" class was not exactly pleasurable, BUT I did feel confident enough in her to let her canter with everyone else and she did great!!! Everyone was so shocked at how well she behaved. It's really asking a lot of her to be ridden with a bunch of other horses going past her but also asking at the same time that she stays slow and steady. She's been taught her entire racing career to run fast and win, and here I'm telling her to let the other horses pass her and not get upset. She was such a good girl.
We called it a day after those classes because we ended on a really positive note, and she was getting quite strong. She got a nice grooming, a bit of massage, and lots of cookies. Once she was all cooled out she got a lot of nice fresh hay and some snuggles, and then I had to head out.
My parents are driving down tomorrow to meet Lucy. They are bringing my dog and I think a few of my friends want to come over and meet her, too. I am really excited to show her off. I think everyone will love her. Maybe we will take her for a walk around the field that's down the street. My mum actually asked to come and meet her...she said (and I quote!) "I really want to meet my new grandpony!" LOL!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
First canter!
Kenny rode her after me and did some great trot work. She was really stretching through her back and into the contact, asking for some more rein. He did a great job with her. Like most OTTB's, she doesn't respond well to a lot of contact with the reins, so it's all give and take with her (I must have said "half halt, release!" about 10,000 times this evening lol). She responds REALLY well to the rider slowing down his or her posting if she is getting quick at the trot, and her steering has greatly improved already. We were doing serpentines and circles with minimal popping of the outside shoulder.
I also asked her for the beginnings of a bend tonight, which she did not like so much, but it will get there.
I think I may need a bit with some more leverage for her as she gets stronger. At the canter she was quite strong and again I really had to use my seat more than anything else to control the pace a bit. I am retraining myself as much as I am retraining her! I didn't ask her to canter for long, just once or twice around the ring at the very most. I am so pleased with her. I checked her hind end and she didn't react at all to my palpations along her SI joint, so I guess she isn't as sore as when I first got her. I'm not sure if she tweaked herself out in the paddock at her old barn and just needed a few days to recover, but I am happy it's not anything big.
She is such a sweetheart, too. After we were done riding she required almost an hour of cooling out. The weather today is really strange: in the low 50's, very humid (my hair wanted to curl today!) and raining, so she took forever to dry out. I got my heavy wool cooler to start out and when she was mostly cool I switched to my lighter fleece cooler to finish the job. Anyway, the entire time we were cooling her out we just walked in the indoor and she followed without a halter on. She walked right beside me and every so often kind of put her chin on my arm, wanting a bit of love. Then we did some stretching exercises with treats, asking her to stretch around to her side to get the treat or reach down in between her front legs, etc. She did really well with that.
Basically what I am taking forever to say is that I am so happy with this horse so far, and I've only had her for five days!! I am really excited about where we will go together. As I was riding her tonight I thought she would be a really great dressage horse, but I think she'll be versatile enough to do whatever we want with her.
Free lunging in the indoor.
Me riding.
Kenny riding.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
First ride

My plan was to give Lucy a week or two off, but she has improved and perked up so much already that I don't want to give her too much time off to think of ways to get in to trouble! I decided today was a good day to get on her for the first time. I did ride her at her old barn before I bought her, but it was at night in the dark in a ring without a fence around it, and I was not able to really see how she goes. My barn has a humongous outdoor with a nice sturdy fence around it, and I felt perfectly safe letting her trot around in there.
She had a few baby moments but nothing that involved any crazy stunts. Her biggest issues are wanting to stop at the gate every time we go past it (she knows that's the way out!) and also she has a tough time going to the left for some reason. You'd think going to the left would be easier for her but she fought to put her head to the outside the entire time.
Other than that, she was very easy to ride. I thought calming thoughts the entire time because she got a bit quick sometimes, but she steered fairly well. Both Kenny and I rode her w/t. Total time under saddle today was about half an hour.
Here are two videos of the ride:
Me riding.
Kenny riding.
And here are some photos:




Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Looking better and better each day

Lucy had her feet done this morning and I was there to hold her. She was a bit of a brat about standing still for him but she was very good seeing as it's the first time she's ever been hot shod, and some horses have major issues with all the smoke. She didn't even look worried.
I think she is looking much better already. She has a bit of mischievousness in her eye, but that's nothing abnormal for a three year old tb :D I like a horse with some spunk, anyway. Then she stood really nicely in cross ties while I pulled her mane. Then her whiskers got clipped and the end result was quite lovely! I am convinced that she is already putting on some weight. She's getting her grain, a complete supplement, and 2 tbsp of oil per feeding, along with free choice hay. She is feeling goooood, as you can tell from the photo above, which was taken right after her feet were done. She is going to stay barefoot behind for now but luckily he was able to get shoes on the fronts.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Work? no way!
We went into the indoor and worked on some basic "this is my space, not yours" stuff. At first I let her walk around and look at everything. She spent about five minutes staring at herself in the mirrors! SO CUTE. Then it was time to pay attention and her young age definitely showed. She wasn't bad at all, but she has a very short attention span. At first we were just practicing her stopping beside me whenever I stopped, and the first few times were very messy. She learns quickly, though, and by the end of the session I had her halting from a walk and trot besides me as soon as I stopped, and she was beginning to understand backing up, too. What a star.
She got a nice warm mash for dinner and she is going to start to be weaned off of the senior feed and onto the Triple Crown grain they feed the other TB's this week. She got a handful last night and loooooved it. She seems to be very motivated by food, and I'm not sure if that's a result of her poor condition or if she just really loves food. I guess time will tell! She also started her supplements tonight.
I love my barn so much. I love the people there. I love how laid back it is and how much people care about Lucy. One of the barn moms gave her a kiss on the nose as she was walking out to go home and said "I am so glad you're here!" They are really nice people.
On my way home I stopped and got a gallon of corn oil because I want to add a few glugs (yes that is the technical measuring technique) per feeding to her diet to try and brighten up her coat. It's so dull and dry. I also got her a 5# bag of yummy looking carrots.
I had bought a fleece sheet at the Dover sale to use on nights like tonight, when the stable blanket would be much too warm but it's slightly too chilly for Lucy to be without at least something. Turns out the sheet doesn't have belly straps, and is really only to be used as a cooler, which would be great except I already have a very high quality wool Triple Crown cooler. I just ordered her a lightweight blanket and it should be here in a week or so.
Lucy gets a nice pedicure tomorrow morning. I am curious as to how the farrier is going to fix her front feet.
She's home!

On Sunday at around noon the new horse got on the trailer and a short time later, arrived at the new barn. I am thrilled with her.
Her name is going to be Lucy. I had narrowed it down to Mystic, Lucy, or Zoe but as soon as she walked off that trailer in her adorable purple plaid halter I said, you are totally a Lucy, so that settled it! I love it. If you watch the video you will hear Kenny say "Lucy is not an option" as we are discussing names haha. Poor guy! I told him he can pick her show name and that seemed to make him happy.
I had her weighed by RI Horse Weighing and she came in at 1020 lbs, which was more than we all thought she was going to weigh by the looks of her, but she has quite a big frame and I think she will really fill out.
Her feet are in terrible shape and she is unsurprisingly very very sore. She is going to be trimmed and evaluated tomorrow by the farrier. I hope that he can even put shoes on her...the other front foot is much worse, as the little pieces have broken off and taken some hoof wall with them. I don't even know if there is enough there to nail a shoe to.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Vet check!
I also chose to do x-rays because the vet said that her sesamoid bones were more prominent than they should be. He did four views and discovered some very slight changes in her fetlocks (more unevenness of the surfaces of the outer bones than anything else), but he said he expected to find that in any ex-racehorse, and that she flexed/trotted out completely sound with no issues so he thought she has many years of good use in her. That was good enough for me; I'm not planning on eventing at the prelim level or anything so she will be perfectly sound and happy doing low hunters/jumpers and maybe some low level eventing if we get that far.
I am glad to have the x-rays because they are a good baseline for the future, so if she's ever off and I end up doing more x-rays, I have something to compare the new images to. The view he took are all digital and he's going to email them to me.
She was sooo adorable throughout the entire thing. The vet LOVED her. He was awesome and I hope he can be our "usual" vet. So hopefully she'll be coming home tomorrow :D
Here she is standing quietly for the x-rays:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
My first horse
Pending a clean vet check, she will be coming home this weekend. She is a 3 y.o. TB who raced at Suffolk Downs this past year. She had 5 starts and then her trainer realised she just wasn't enjoying her job. She was sold to a family who did a great job with her w/t but then decided she was just a bit too big for their daugher. I am so excited about this mare. She is totally green (turning? what's that?) but she has a great mind and she is very sweet.
I will really miss working with my lease horse Caesar, whom I've been riding for the past four years, but this was the right thing for me to do and I am on cloud nine to finally have my own horse.
I actually met this horse about a month ago when I photographed another horse at her barn. Her owners asked me to take some shots and she happily trotted around for the camera.
I haven't settled on a name for her. I'm going between India, Mystic, and Java.
She had only been off the track a few weeks so she's looking a bit scraggly. During the vet check I'm going to see what the vet thinks would be the best course of action to get her safely up to the weight she needs to be.