Monday, October 4, 2010

back from Hawaii (and freezing my butt off)

Kenny and I are back from Hawaii and it was a rude awakening stepping off into the cold New England air after enjoying temperatures in the 80's all week on Kauai. We had a blast and took full advantage of the different activities offered on the island. We went deep-sea fishing, touring around the island by boat, zip lining, and to a luau. I opted not to go horseback riding. Normally I'd go but at over $100 for a two hour ride, I just couldn't justify the expense now that I have my own horse whom I can ride whenever I want!

I enjoyed what we were able to do very much and I can't believe I have to go back to work tomorrow (BOO!).

I went and saw Lucy today and she actually seemed happy to see me! She nickered to me, anyway. She looked fat, furry, and was very fresh, so I let her play in the outdoor while I got things in order and then I (quite bravely) tacked up and rode. She was pretty good but has gotten into the habit of bouncing around a bit going into the canter. It's not like she's trying to buck me off (because let me tell you, having watched her buck while playing in the outdoor, I know she could really send me flying if she wanted to!) but I still didn't appreciate it. There is a time to buck and that's not when I'm riding! The ride was more successful than I had expected, though, so I was happy with her and she got lots of cookies.

Here are some more honeymoon photos:

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the wedding!

    Silly Lucy. I'm sure you'll get it worked out.


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