Monday, October 15, 2012

jump school

Thanks for all your sweet well-wishes for Cairo. She has no clue that anything is amiss and I just hope Thursday goes well and the margins come back clean! Then we will have to have a party to celebrate :)

Yesterday I rode Lucy in the outdoor. We set up a few jumps and did a little jump school. Here are some photos:

first time through these little cavaletti's. Lucy thought it would be fun to trot
the first two nicely, and then just jump the rest...together. It felt similar to a
"one, two, LAUNCH!" countdown.

Second time through, I gave her some pretty definitive half halts, saying,
"don't you even THINK of it!"

She trotted through like a lady, and by the fourth cavaletti, she had even
figured out how to arrange her legs properly.

she felt rather important.

3'3"...apparently not enough to pick her feet up.

And a little video:


  1. Wow! She just gets better and better. You should be so proud.

  2. The video was fun to watch - she sure picked her feet up through the cavaletti, and she trotted into that single pole fence so nicely.

  3. Looking great!!!

    Praying for the puppy toi have a smooth and quick procedure!! :)

  4. I love the pink saddle pad!! Where did you get it?


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