Showing posts with label amanda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amanda. Show all posts

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Winter Lucy is on her way out

Oh hi! No, I'm not dead, though my body tried that several times. I had so many complications beyond the initial issues after Hannah's birth, it was ridiculous. I was in the hospital two additional times and finally ended up having surgery two weeks ago. That seemed to really do the trick, and it's been smooth sailing ever since. This week I actually got approved to be a human again! I can now go for walks, spend time outside, do housework, etc. I have never been so happy to go to the grocery store! It's insane.

Hannah is doing wonderfully, though she has developed an issue with colic, and also has reflux. I'm not sure which is less fun: a colicking horse, or a colicking baby. Both suck. She's on some medication now that is helping her (and us! no one likes to be up with a screaming child all night!) and I hope she grows out of it fast.

I went to the barn twice this week; once to watch Amanda ride Lucy, and then again today to do stalls as a little surprise for Maddy :D

Amanda and Lucy have been having great ride after great ride and I am confident that Summer Lucy has made a triumphant return! I plan on getting on her tomorrow or Monday. Spring shots are on Monday but if I can coordinate someone to watch Hannah, I'll get out there before the vet does and hopefully at least walk around.

Here are some photos from Amanda's ride:

first, a photo with Baby Hannah!

I love how soft Lucy looks through her body here :)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Signs of hope

The outdoor reappeared from beneath layers of ice and snow on Saturday, and I was so excited to see that footing and think of the upcoming season of riding. Amanda and Maddy had the first ride out there and both horses were pretty good, considering they've spent the entire winter in the indoor ring. The neighbour was out making a racket, moving things around, and being "scary", and while Lucy and Brantley looked at him, they got back to work quickly.

Lucy was kind of a huge idiot on the lunge line at first, so I didn't have much hope that Amanda would have a good ride, but I was pleasantly surprised! Lucy was really good, and the two of them looked wonderful. They even had a nice canter!

Overnight, it was back to highs in the 20's, and today was very chilly and windy. Winter goes on and on.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

and then there was Spring!

Spring came and went in about 48 hours. All of a sudden, it was 60 degrees, the sun shone brightly, the horses were naked, the paddocks thawed and produced copious amounts of mud, the horses rolled in the mud, and everyone was happy.

During this time, I was a very bad girl and totally ignored the doctor's orders, and spent many hours at the barn enjoying the sunshine and cleaning. Although, my main order is to not get my heart rate elevated, and to my credit, I dragged all of the cleaning out enough that it took forever but my heart rate stayed nice and low. SO THERE!

I spent an hour of my time yesterday grooming Lucy to absolute perfection, or as close to it as possible when she's still shedding like crazy. I purchased a Sleek EZ at Dover and it took me all of three seconds to fall in love with it. It's a shedding tool but with very tiny teeth, unlike a traditional shedding blade, which Lucy will not tolerate at all. She stood quietly for me to go to town with the Sleek EZ, and I got a lot of fluff out of her! I also pulled her mane to even it out a bit, gave her a bridle path, and clipped her legs. It was warm enough to give her a bath but I opted to wait on that until after the baby. It didn't matter; she looked beautiful.

Then, today rolled around. Once again it was quite warm, so I pulled the horses' sheets when I went to feed them lunch. They were all quite happy to be naked. The two geldings rolled almost immediately but the two mares were very busy stuffing their faces so I didn't see them roll. Later on, though, Maddy sent me this photo of Lucy looking quite pleased with herself:

Yup, that's my girl!

Sadly, the temperature is going to plunge tonight and it's pouring rain right now, so our brief taste of sunshine and warmth is fleeing us for now. Come back soon, Spring!

Amanda rode yesterday and had the most kick-ass ride. I am so glad I went to watch. She rode with determination and confidence, but also a soft touch...just what my princess horse needs! I was so happy to see Lucy going that nicely.

The biggest news is that I have been scheduled for an induction next Tuesday so by Wednesday, Hannah should be here! I am so excited for this to all be over with, and to meet my future pony wrangler.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Consistency is key

Maddy, Amanda, and I have all been working together to keep Lucy in consistent work so that she doesn't go through another episode like she did after Christmas. Maddy has been riding a few nights a week and trying new (and IMO insane) things like letting Lucy trot around with the reins looped over the horn of the saddle. Brave girl!! Amazingly, Lucy really responded to this and Maddy reported that she trotted around with her head down just cruising along.

Amanda has been doing a ton of GREAT groundwork with Lucy and then switching it off with under saddle work. One thing she has done that I think has helped Lucy a lot is to start off with groundwork, then ride for 20 minutes, then get off and do some more groundwork, then get back on and ride some more. Without meaning to, I had Lucy conditioned to think that 30 minutes of work was the absolute MAX she could handle, and god forbid you stood in the middle of the ring with her to let someone jump a course or something; she thought she was done and if you tried to make her go back to work, she was very unhappy about it!

All of these issues are slowly resolving themselves and Lucy is a much happier horse when she has a consistent job so I am very grateful that Amanda and Maddy are both putting in so much time and effort to keep her going.

Last night Maddy organized a trail/versatility training night at the barn. She set up a whole bunch of different obstacles and everyone got to try them out. Lucy and Amanda did so well! Lucy had seen a lot of the same obstacles before, but not for a long time, so I was pleased she remembered them and behaved herself.

She even wore a hat!

Going over the tarp: no problem!

Going over the dark cloth rug caused all of the horses to take pause and
Lucy was quite scared of it at first. Once she got to sniff it all over and
look at it from every angle, she walked on it, and then Amanda was able
to ride her over it.

It was a fun night!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Show Report

Thanks for all the supportive comments on my last entry. Truly, the only day I felt sad about getting laid off was the day it happened, and it only lasted about 5 minutes. I am not the type to let things like that get me down. My resume went out to a pro to be revamped and I spent the week searching job listings and applying to ones I liked. I am feeling hopeful that this layoff may be a blessing in disguise, and I may end up in a better job where I am valued and appreciated.

Lucy has been doing great this week. She didn't have too busy of a schedule because Amanda was working a ton, and I was busy job hunting and helping Kenny with the house renovation projects. We finished spackling and sanding earlier in the week, and the first coat of primer went on last night. It looks really good in there!

It's funny how the day flies by even when I don't have a job to sit at for 8 hours. I thought I'd have a ton of time to spend at the barn but in reality I do not. I'm sure as I figure out my new "schedule" sans work, that I'll be able to hammer out my barn time. Good news is that Lucy seemed to do well with the extra days of R&R, and was a superstar yesterday at the show.

The morning started out well enough. We planned to leave around 8, and wound up leaving at 8:17. NOT BAD! :) Brantley loaded up great and Lucy practically ran onto the trailer to be with him. Sometimes, a horse's attachment to their buddy sucks. Sometimes, though, it rocks ;)

Both horses were nice and quiet for the ride over to the farm that was hosting the show. Of course it started to rain en route, but a little rain never killed anyone, so we weren't concerned. Amanda and Maddy checked in and picked their classes, we unloaded both horses, and the girls took them for a small tour of the farm so that they could see everything.

After that, Maddy took Brantley into the outdoor ring to lunge him a bit, and Lucy was almost beside herself. Now that is the kind of buddy-buddy attachment I cannot STAND. Amanda was trying to hold Lucy as Lu was walking all over her. I suggested that she take Lucy and do a bit of groundwork with her, lunging on a small circle, changes of direction/speed, etc. Lucy started out very distracted and not wanting to listen, but quickly turned her attention to Amanda instead of Brantley, and soon was looking much calmer and less concerned about where her friend was! We didn't have any additional problems with them needing to be together after that.

Amanda signed up for the Open W/T division, and also the OTTB W/T division. She did a small warm-up with Lucy and noted that she felt Lucy was the type of horse you didn't really drill before going into a class, which was totally spot-on. She did just enough to make sure Lu had a brain in her head, and was supple, and then went into her classes and did so well! Lucy was quiet, calm, and happy. At one point she got a little pissy so Amanda took her out of the ring, gave her a break while the next class went, and then returned back to the ring. Lucy's brain had totally reset itself thanks to her break, and she went better than ever.

I was glad there were other horses in all of Amanda's classes. This show is sooooo tiny that sometimes you're the only person in the ring, and there's no point to that! We can ride by ourselves at home and not pay to do it ;)

Maddy and Brantley had a great day, too, but I'll let her tell you all about it on her blog!

Here are some photos:

warming up in the misty outdoor

how cute is that face?

winner winner chicken dinner! Lucy was all, "DUH..."

Champion of the Open W/T division

Back in the ring for the OTTB division

After this class was over, the judge commented to Amanda that she had a lovely,
calm mare and the judge really liked her.  Amanda pointed at me and said, "she
belongs to Kate over there" and I laughed and said, "thanks for the compliment;
she can be pretty wild and this is her first show back after six months off for an
injury so we are thrilled with her behaviour!"

Then the owner of the farm we were at asked us if we wanted to breed Lucy
to an Arab stud.


Would you ride a Lucy x Arab cross? ;)

She was so chill, didn't care if they were standing around or not, and calmly
hung out while Brantley was in his classes.

Great job, ladies!

The whole crew, from left to right: Natalie (Comic's owner), Brantley,
Maddy, Me, Amanda, and Lucy!

Loading up to go home was a bit of a challenge. Brantley was not having any of it, and I really felt for Maddy because I have been in her shoes so many times. It is extremely frustrating for your horse not to load after a long day at a show/clinic/event when everyone is so tired (and cold and wet in this case). Brantley had whacked his head on the trailer getting off of it earlier in the day, and he seemed to be saying, you want me to get back on that thing? HELL NO! But with time and patience, he calmly stepped on. The only good part about all of that is that after duking it out with Brantley for a while, Maddy suggested we try to put Lucy on first. Lucy had been eating grass a ways away with Amanda's mom holding her while we tried to load Brantley. Now Lucy is notoriously a horrible loader, but to all of our amazement, she walked right on even with Brantley not loading. Good girl!!

After putting everything away, cleaning the trailer, and turning the horses out with very generous piles of hay, we went and stuffed our faces at a local pizza place. Maddy and I returned the trailer to her friend who let us borrow it, and thus concluded our show day!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

another great day!

First, I actually succeeded in getting Kenny to the barn in a somewhat clean ensemble, with the dog; and also I managed to clean the 2" of dirt off Lucy that I found her covered in this morning. I even had to shampoo her legs - they were disgusting!

Maddy took the photo for me and..drumroll please....

everyone's looking (kind of) at the camera!!! SUCCESS!!!
Then I tacked up and had another super ride, and this time, I got photos!

YAY! Good pony! I should go buy a lottery ticket or something.

Then Amanda got on for a few minutes:

AND she got to ride Merlot the dreamliner.

Then Maddy got really brave and decided to jump Brantley over one of the XC fences:

So all in all, it was an A+++++ day and everyone had a super time!