Wednesday, June 13, 2012

my exercise rider

While still in gimpy land, I am being a good patient and not riding. I am feeling so much better today and I will get back in the saddle on Friday, but in the mean time I have my husband and Lauren to thank for keeping Lucy in work!

That's right, Kenny got on Lucy on Monday and rode her in the ring, then went for a trail ride. He was kind of down that day so when we arrived at the barn to do her stall, he announced he was going to ride. "Ok, no problem," I said, and then immediately prayed to the Happy Mare Gods that Lucy would be on her bestest behaviour.

She was very tolerant, bless her heart, though she did get quite peppy when he tried to take her over a little x-rail a few times. The first few times she was very good but then she started zooming so we took it back a notch. I told him to go take her for a little hack and he was gone and back within five minutes, with a newly installed grin plastered across his face. "We galloped all the way back!" he proudly announced.

Ahhhh, yes, that will be fun to deal with next time I want a nice leisurely trot home. I can already imagine the conversation now between me and the horse:

"Trot, please!"

"Oh, you mean SPRINT like I got to do last time!? COOL!"

*mach 4 gallop*


  1. LOVE that he wears a helmet! And what a cutie... horse and husband! ;)

  2. He looks like a nice rider! It's my goal to get my boyfriend riding like that. Some day. :)
    Lucy is SO cute!

  3. what a good hubby for riding!!!

  4. Your so lucky to have a husband that rides. I want to take like all my bloggers boys and build my own man. (;

  5. What cute Eq. he has! Jealous that your significant other rides (and so well)!

  6. What a good guy.
    Hope you feel 100% soon.

  7. Love the last pic - who could resist those faces?!

  8. Can your Hubby and my Hubby have a sit down about how it is not un-manly to ride in half-chaps? Please??

  9. I agree with Miranda. Geez you guys are lucky! And he looks pretty legit too! :D

  10. This is awesome! The last time I could get my Husband on Laz was for a pony lead walk, and he was wearing swishy work out pants, lol!!!!!!

  11. So awesome that your husband rides! Jake's been on Daatje ONCE. Just standing still. And he was scared white as a sheet! :P I gotta get Jake a pony (DH is only 5'3", so Daatje's a bit big for him anyway) :P

  12. Kate, you doin' okay? Just checking - miss you and Lucy.


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