Friday, July 19, 2013

newsflash: the horse is fine

Well I am sure glad I didn't ship her off to Tuft's (again), because Lucy is just fine! I didn't do anything with her at all on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday because I wanted to let her newest boo-boo get a good scab going.

On Thursday I put her on the lunge like and surprise! Not a gimpy step to be found.

cruising along

Today I didn't do anything with her because I was so hot after cleaning her stall and the paddock that I just wanted to go home and crawl into the refrigerator.

So that's where we are at! Thanks for all the helpful and supportive comments - I am glad she's fine and this wasn't another setback. I just want to RIDE already!

Oh, and we never found that acupuncture needle, so it will remain a mystery.


  1. Glad that she's okay! Not sure if you've ever used it but I just discovered vetrocin and its seriously amazing. Not sure how it would help a wound like that though.

    1. thanks for the tip, I think I might even have a bottle of that but haven't used it in ages! I will give it a shot.

  2. Yay that she is doing well!!! That needle will be a mystery!!!

  3. Glad to hear that she is feeling better!


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