Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sea horse

Today was our trip to the beach, aka part 1 of 2 of a truly rockin' weekend. I practiced trailer loading with Lucy last night and with clear cues, a lunge line, and lots of positivity, she was standing quietly in the trailer within twenty minutes. I think she will need these tune-ups from time to time to maintain her good loading skills, especially since we don't normally trailer very often.

She gave me a bit of a problem getting on this morning but I didn't get upset about it, I didn't fight her, and I patiently persisted that she get on. She finally got on after five minutes or so.

The trailer ride to the beach was quiet and uneventful except I was too dumb to get actual directions to the beach we were going to and I got off the wrong exit on the highway and had to do a three point turn in some random parking lot, get back on the highway, and continue on. Oh, did I mention that *I* drove today? :D We finally got to the right beach and unloaded the horses and tacked up without any problems.

Boe was a little hot to start out but Lucy was impeccably behaved from the beginning. I could not have asked for it to go any better, honestly! She cantered happily, lead or followed without any nonsense, let horses gallop past her and barely flicked an ear, and went in the water. What a good girl!!

Here are some photos!

Let's get this show on the road, mom!
Claire and Boe

What a good horse!
Boe and Claire leading the way. I had no idea you could drive your vehicle on
this is a happening place, let me tell you!
Very pleased with my girl!

Tomorrow is the hunter pace. Wish us luck!


  1. Whoo I love beach days!!! I think we'll be having one soon too...aren't we all so lucky?

    Good luck tomorrow.

  2. So jealous! A beach ride is still something I have not been able to cross off my bucket list.

    Good girl, Lulu! And good luck to you both tomorrow!

  3. Do you have a helmet cam? That was soneat cantering n the beach. Loved it! Sounds like so much fun. She is a great horse!

  4. *so neat* ugh, my typing is horrible.

  5. Nope, I was just holding my little digicam with my right hand and both reins with my left.

  6. That looks like so much fun! Lucy has come such a long way. You must be very proud of her. Best of luck at the pair pace.

  7. Very excellent highblow ride!
    We go to the beach in 2 weeks, hope its as nice as your trip looked to be.
    Fun stuff!
    KK and Wa mare~

  8. A beach ride is in the top three things in my bucket list, so jealous of you!

    Looks like a great day, what a good girl Lucy was.

  9. I can't believe how much Lucy looks like Anza - ( - do you think? Looks like a fun day anyway. Beach rides are the best :)

  10. What a fun day! Good luck at the hunter pace.

  11. u are ballsy cantering down the beach holding a video girl :)
    WHAT a fun looking day! I am super jealous and would LOVE to do this w/ Laz (it's on our goal list). Lucy even rocked happy, calm airplane ears in the last video which is awesome. She's really finding her bravery through you!

  12. When I was in school in Santa Barbara I rode on the beach a couple times a week- some of the best memories of my life! Corinna

  13. I'm incredibly jealous of you. I've always wanted to ride on the beach but all we have is a small lake. Any my horse won't go anywhere near it. When we go there she thinks she has to swim across it.

    You've won an award over at my blog!

  14. To those of you who said a beach ride is on their bucket list: I hope you can experience it soon. It is really awesome.

    Kristen, I love "airplane ears". That is a really cute term!

    Kelly, she really DOES look like her :) We have pretty ponies :)

  15. With the trailering, is Boe usually on the trailer first when she has her "issues?" I'm just thinking she may have claustrophobia when another horse is on the trailer. When you do the training, she is alone, so it may seem less daunting to her. Just a thought.

    She is a big horse as well, so that may contribute to it. Some larger TBs have issues loading into the starting gate as well, and a heavy "blanket" over their hind quarters tends to help.

  16. Awesome!! I'm 9 hours from the nearest ocean beach, but someday, I want to do that. Glad no one got a dunking this time around. ;-)

  17. Beautiful pics and lovely weather for the beach! I love riding on the beach, so much fun.


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